Federal Tax Liens

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What is this a Federal Tax Lien?

A federal tax lien is the government’s legal claim against your property when you neglect or fail to pay a tax debt. The lien protects the government’s interest in all your property, including real estate, personal property and financial assets

Why did you receive a Federal Tax Lien?

A federal tax lien exists when IRS collections correspondences have gone unanswered or when the IRS has made a mistake

Your Federal Lien Defense

Open all letters from the IRS and call Resolution Tax right away. You wouldn’t go to court without an attorney.

How to resolve a Federal Tax Lien

A federal tax lien exists when IRS collections correspondences have gone unanswered or when the IRS has made a mistake

  1. Contact the IRS and advise them that you are aware of the tax lien
  2. Ensure the lien was not filed in error or that the IRS followed proper procedures in issuing the tax lien.
  3. Resolve all outstanding tax debts
  4. Request for lien release